Saturday, June 30, 2012

Angels of Light Photo Manipulation Effects With Photoshop

The Final Editing Photo

Effects of Light Angel Photo Manipulation Using contrasting images of light coming from the sun, making it easy in fairy editing techniques, can use images of people that you are interested
  • The First Open photoshop version whatever, then enter pictures my girl friend
  • And Then make the background layer to layer, double click on the background layer, berinama "model"
  • And separate or remove the background image by selecting the backgroud and delete can use the Polygonal Lasso Tool, Pen Tool, and the other selectors tool. Then delete using the Eraser Tool
  • if completed, Insert the wing to put the layer below the layer model of the wing
  • before it is inserted, you must remove the wing in order to insert background background
  • background while using a black fill
  • The result will look like this:

  • Insert the background behind the model by putting a layer below the layer wing backgroud
  • Crop images as you wish then paste (drag n drop) give the name of the background
  • Activate the background layer and then burn it, use the burn tool on the right corner on the right and left pojokbawah
  • Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) name it light, put on a layer model of
  • Click the icon and replace brush Brush Tool "click the small arrow near the size of the brush> replace" is needed (download: Disni)
  • Wipe the brush on the left, coming off his light position
  • Create a new layer below the layer Light, name the Ball of Light
  • Make a ball of light, consider the following steps:
  • Lankah then make the clouds as if in country heaven,
  • can insert images in the cloud layer Light
  • Remove the top of the image clouds, so it looks the model is above the clouds
  • delete using the Eraser Tool, Opacity: 25
  • Create a shirt color contrast by using the Selective Color, Image Menu> ajustment> Selective Color
  • Set the appropriate image below:
  • Photo may have been finished and on display:-D
  • May be useful! Thank you

 The Final Editing Photo

